“For the artisan, craft is an end in itself. For you, the artist, craft is the vehicle for expressing your vision. Craft is the visible edge of art.”

– David Bayles


Brand identity  |  Brand Development



To work together is to lead to the future.

ARTESANA is a case study evolution of a project deployed time ago based in San Pedro de Cayambe-Ecuador. A unique and ambitious vision of get together the master artisans and craftsmen of the town to create equal opportunities for all of them through collaboration and fair trade.





 To create the new image and communication system for the association, in a way that reflects the friendly spirit of its people, their culture and the various crafts they make.



Cayambe, nestled in the highlands of Ecuador, exudes charm with its blend of indigenous heritage and natural beauty. This quaint town, surrounded by the majestic Andes mountains, is known for its vibrant markets, where locals and visitors alike can immerse themselves in the colors and aromas of traditional Ecuadorian crafts and produce. Cayambe is also famous for its proximity to the Cayambe Volcano, the third-highest peak in Ecuador, adding a touch of grandeur to the town’s picturesque setting. With a mild climate and a welcoming atmosphere, Cayambe invites exploration of its rich cultural tapestry and the breathtaking landscapes that define this Andean gem.



This association aims to serve as a unifying force, imparting business acumen to local artisans and guiding them in delivering high-quality goods to visiting tourists. Additionally, it plays a pivotal role in coordinating small fairs within the city and fostering connections with external cultural projects.








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